Your Accountant works with financial reports on a daily basis and can quickly recognise information.

Its a good idea to review your accounts and provide a summary covering letter.

Here is an example of how a covering letter may look:

Note: You do not need to do this but it is always a good start.

THE XYZ Company

Street Address


Phone Number

Email Address


Contact: Your Name

Please find included in our 2018 End of Year Reports package:

Reporting on a Cash Basis except for the Debtors and Creditors Summaries.

1: PDF and Spreadsheet versions of:
Company Name -EOYReports As At 31032018.pdf

Company Name -EOYReports As At 31032018.XLS

  1. Bank Reconciliation < All accounts reconcile to the bank statements
  2. Cash Basis Trial Balance < Balanced
  3. GST Analysis < Showing last period Cash Basis GST due of $4,686.45
  4. Asset Account Movements
  5. Liability Account Movements
  6. Chart of Accounts used
  7. Transactions to Check
    1. Insurance paid $1,230.45 which was lodged as a non GST transaction when normally insurance is GST inclusive
    2. Funds from ABC Finance of $70,000 lodged against an Asset account as a non GST transaction and is probably just loaded to an incorrect account
  8. End of Year Debtors is a total value of $129,497 (all inc GST) as at the 31/3/2018 statement run
  9. Debtors written off
    1. One debtor (Cash Sales) is an incorrect posting and can be ignored. It was the correction made to adjust an allocation and should have been posted to sales. However as these records provided are cash basis it has no impact on the figures
  10. End of Year Creditors is contained in the spreadsheet:
    1. Company Name-Creditors As At 31032018.xls
  11. General Ledger Report < Cash Basis and contains all transactions except for Bank and GST which are individually present in all other accounts

Kind regards

SJ Collingsford

With this letter include your other relevant information and files. Your accountant is likely to have provided you with a list of requirements.

We also provide an AOY Summary Service that creates this package of information for you.