You have two repeating invoice options:

1: Duplicate an Invoice:

Go to the Invoice/Quote and select the menu, 'Repeat'

2: Set a Repeating Invoice

a) Create the original invoice

b) As you add items, you can decide if they would be repeated on the next invoice:

c) Select the menu option 'Repeat'

d) Complete the repeating details

(Note: To remove a repeating invoice, edit the above settings and select 'No Repeat')

e) A repeating invoice will display its repeat details:

f) Make sure to switch Repeating Invoicing "On"

Go to Platform > Set up > Set up Enterprise > Quotes + Invoices

How Will They Repeat?

When a repeat invoice date is reached, during the move from Cash Book to Platform, a list of invoice requiring repeat will appear.

Select the options and create the invoices. They will still be open after the repeat so you could edit if desired. Close them in the normal fashion.

The next invoice repeat date will automatically be set for you.