Customer Vehicles
As you add vehicles to the system, a 'Customer Vehicle Database' is created.
You can review this database in the 'Customer Vehicles' screen:
- Point of Sale (Advanced Vehicle Servicing)
- List of Vehicles
Searching the Vehicle Database
Select the headings to change the sort order and use the 'Shift' '?' key to bring up a dialog where you can type in the beginning of what you are looking for.
example: Select Rego heading to look up registration numbers > select the ? key > enter the rego number > select 'OK'
Adding a Vehicle
A vehicle can be added to a customer during the process of creating an Invoice.
You can also add a vehicle without creating an invoice by going to the 'Customer Vehicle' screen and selecting 'Add Vehicle'
Q!: I added an invoice but it did not add a vehicle to the Customer Vehicle Database
Ans: Add the Vehicle manually through the Customer Vehicle Screen