Files store the information you enter into the system.

With constant adding, editing, and deleting; the files are under a lot of pressure to perform quickly and efficiently.

Even more so if you are a multi-user site.

To maintain this efficiency you are required to organise the files on a regular basis.

Setting the Frequency of the Reminder

You can set the frequency of the reminder at Cashbook > Setup > Test Data.

The more frequent you reorganise files, the more reliable the system will be.

However, don't set the  frequency to too often as this is not necessary.

Reorganisation Reminder

When the reorganisation is due, you will get a reminder.

All Users Off and Backup

Before reorganising files, make sure all users are logged off the system and that they stay off during the procedure.

How To Reorganise Files

1. Go to the 'Front Company Menu' and select 'Maintenance'.

2. Select 'Reorganise Files' and follow the procedure.


If you get a reorganisation failure, contact support before doing anything else.

It is extremely rare to get a reorganisation failure but if you did get one, support may look into restoring a backup or just checking what the issue was.