If you use a manual job management system and want to convert into SoEasy's Job Management this is the recommended process.

In this section we will be discussing how best to perform the conversion.

The art of Converting Manual Job Management is a four stage process:

  1. Decide on the best method of using the many components of SoEasy's Job Management. 
    1. To do this it would be best to discuss your current system and objectives with a certified SoEasy Job Management consultant.
    2. The model will consist of one or more of the following factors:
      1. How many staff are involved?
      2. What are the resources used?
      3. The number of jobs you manage
      4. What the time frame is. For example, what percentage of your jobs are urgent?
      5. Are you happy for your staff to update the job details or are you concerned about their input?
      6. Do you process jobs on-site or inhouse?
  2. Gather all your jobs and organise them into piles based on date due. For example:
    1. Write up A4 Sheets with the next 30 days
    2. Lay them out on a table
    3. Sort through the jobs and place them on the corresponding A4 Sheet
    4. Rationalise the workflow
  3. Load each job into SoEasy and configure the job management
  4. When a new job comes in, load it into SoEasy and engage the job management system