This section of our support desk enables users of SoEasy to lodge a suggestion of development of a new procedure, or modification to existing code.

We will make every attempt at creating the modification.

If you feel the issue is critical, please let us know the reasons why during your application.

How To Make A Wish List Application

  1. Each wish list request must be made separately
  2. Create a detailed description of the modification
    1. If you cannot do this we have a Commercial Team available, who you can engage the services of, who can work with you to review your request.
      They will build the application request for you on your behalf
  3.  Include example outcomes in your wish list description. For example:
    1. If you are requesting a report; build an example report on a spreadsheet and include this with your application
    2. For a change to a form, take a screenshot of the form and write modification ideas on it, scan it and send it to us with further details
    3. A request needs to step our review team through the logic. A request that is just a simple statement will not be clear enough.
      For example, an incorrect wish list request may look like; 'When adding an invoice, please request freight charges'. This is not enough detail.
      A good wish list request would need to be formatted such as:
      a) When user clicks on close button...
      b) System checks the invoice for freight charges as a product code
      c) If none are present, request to charge freight
      d) If user selects 'Yes Charge Freight', a list of freight charge codes are displayed
  4. Try to make the request as exact as possible
  5. Reduce the filler conversations and keep to bulleted points. Do not create a request as a paragraph or story as this will require interpretation
  6. Send each individual request on a separate email to


Requests are reviewed on a regular monthly basis and each requests will receive a separate reply.

The concluding reply from us will have one of three results:

1. Please provide more detailed information so we can understand fully your request

2. Request declined but available as a customised modification

3. Request approved

Note: We have Two Development Teams

1. The Core Development team who work on the core product based upon a periodic development schedule devised by management

2. The Commercial Team who are contracted to work on customer projects. This team build separate modules away from the core product of SoEasy and have a flexible schedule

What To Do If A Request is Declined

Many request we receive are great and important ideas but in analysis they are identified as specific request for a specific business or a small group of businesses.

For example a shoe repair company wants their thermal receipt printer to operate 1 second faster. When you are one person in a shop every second counts, but this is very specific request.

If we decline the request it will always be on the basis that it is seen as a one off situation and the time spent on this could be better spent on the needs of the many.

However we do have a commercial development section of the business who create their income from servicing the needs of the individual so we will offer their services to create the modification.

What Does Request Approved Mean?

It means we are keen to make the modification and have placed it on the wish list.

However we are on a non publicised and commercially sensitive continuous development schedule and a request cannot be given a production date or release schedule as there are many other factors in play.

The only way we can prioritise a modification is via our commercial development contractors as they operate outside the core development schedule.

At the time of approval you will be given a scope of the project and a costing. You will have the choice to pay the costing value less a contribution from the Core Development Budget, or to wait an undefined period for the release of the development.

Generation III Wish List Reality

The reality is that most requests make it on to the wish list and the requests are processed quite quickly but this is not a guarantee.

The Generation III Version of SoEasy has been designed to facilitate rapid development without interfering with all users experience. 

Modifications are easier to produce so please do not feel requesting developments are a futile effort.

Please keep to the rules and help us to understand your case:
a) One request per email
b) Create detail that allow us to review your idea without development having to try to figure out what you are meaning. Make things very clear and leave nothing to the imagination.

Why Do We Process Request In This Manner?

This technique of Wish List processing has come about because over the years, many request come as a result of users of SoEasy spending quite some time analysing their business model and sending us their thoughts for analysis.

It results in a substantial use of time with many ongoing subjects and sub topics and multiple communications. 

As a great effort has been made by the writer and their desire for a reply, this requires the development team to stop their current tasks and interpret the request. 

This has resulted many times in the entire SoEasy development project to come to a halt for many hours and sometimes days. 

It has a productivity and emotional impact on an already busy department and we have learnt that for a user request to actually be productive, it needs to be structured based on what a programmer can process as opposed to what a user can write . 

To answer a question, programmers look for structures and logical progression. They do not work well with transcripts and we no longer request them to do so. Instead we require the requester to work out their own logic before we analyze the question or engage the services of one of our approved contract analysts.

As a result, the approach detailed above provides users with a logical method of freely presenting their ideas to the Core Development Team and creates the mechanism for a quick response and empowers progress. 

For Example

BAD REQUEST (paragraph style request requiring analysis and interpretation)

Hi we have been trying to generate reports that will help us to identify who our best customers are. It would be really helpful if you could produce a report with customer sales values during the month. We used to be able to get this in the old system but we are unsure if it is inside SoEasy or not. It would also be helpful if there was a comparative ratio where the total sales for the month was divided into the individual sales as this would give us who our best customers are by ratio. And if at all possible could we have margins? This would just require the profit to be divided by the sales value (all excluding GST). Oh and whilst I am on the subject, I notice sometimes that some invoices created in the month do not show in the sales report. Could you let us know why?

GOOD REQUESTS (2 separate emails)

REQUEST 1: New Sales Report


1. Under the Sales Report section

2. When generating a Monthly Sales Report

3. Can we have a list of customers who purchased + Total Sales + Total Cost + Total Profit + Ratio Percentage + Margin

REQUEST 2: Invoices Not Showing on Sales Reports


Sometimes invoices do not appear in the months report.

For example: Invoice No 12345 did not appear in March Sales Report

Can you tell me why?

Thank you for working with us to make SoEasy better.