
This is an analysis of the reporting requirements of the Call Center.

It is for discussion only and is best reviewed with the designer of the report, Ian Stephenson.

First Values

The start and finish time of all staff logging on to the system are recorded through the security system.

For reporting, we can pick this value. However if the staff member is also involved in other duties such as keeping the cash book or Debtors, this start time would be incorrect.

However to identify Call Centre Activity, the Second Value we capture is the start and finish time of a call on a given day.

In reporting we could say:

A: Logon Time 

B: Log Off Time 

a) If no log off time is present and it is today, log off in NOW

b) If no log off time is present and it is a new day, log off time is the last call time (F G below ) of the last day

C: Log On Duration = B - A

D: Call Centre recording = 300 minutes (being the total value of the call durations (SUM of H))

E: Administration Time = A - B

Second Values

Each call through the Call Center has a start time (captured at the time of selecting a contact) and a finish time.

F: Start Time

G: Finish Time

H: Call Duration (G - F)

Third Values

Per person, per team, average

I: Average Call Time

J: Total Calls

Fourth Values

K: Results

a) Call Back

b) No Call Back

c) Sale

d) Appointment

Fifth Values

L: Movements in Stages

a) Prospect

b) Helping

c) Closing

d) First Purchase

e) On Going

f) Recovery

g) No Call

End Result

Singularly or collectively the calling performance of all staff.

Mary Anne1/4/2019Month To DateYear To DateTargetAchievement


Breaks60 minutes

Total Time420 minutes

Total Administration120 minutes

Call Centre Time300 minutes


Average time per call5 minutes

Collective Average6 minutes

Call ConclusionFast at making calls


Call Back30 (50%)

No Call Back5 (8.3%)

Sales3 (5%)

Sales Value

Sales Average

Average Value Per Call
$3,300 / 60 = $55 (Mean = $45 rep up $10)

Appointments22 (36.7%)





First Purchase

On Going


No Call

Statistical Reports

This periodic reporting is augmented by yearly values

  • Month To Date
  • Year To Date

Targets and Achievements

The Sales Manager can set targets to be measured.

Achievement is an automatic measurement of results