When an Invoice closes, it is saved into three sections:

1. The aging record

2. The current transactions record. Transactions that have not yet been settled

3. The Historical record that shows us what has actually transpired transaction by transaction.


If you are every concerned that an account is out of balance, simply check that the three files have the same balance:


When you allocate a receipt and the balance of a transaction results in $0, the transaction will:

a) Current Display: Be removed from the 'Current' display because the value is now zero

b) History: Will not be affected

c) Age: Will remove the effect of the transaction on aging


1: Go to the Allocation History Section

2: Select the 'RefNo" column heading so that the search order of the screen sorts on the reference number of the transaction.

3. Select the '?" key and in the dialog, type the invoice number, and then select 'OK'.

If the invoice has a payment allocation, then it will show in the screen

If it doesn't show, check that:

a) The invoice is closed

b) That it isn't sitting in the current screen and have no allocations yet

4. Select the invoice and the screen will display the allocation:

Note: On the right side of the screen is the ability to un-allocate the invoice.